The Dirt Journal

Pottery Info for Hobby Potters, Ceramic Artists, Production Potters and everyone in between.


Kristen is the writer behind The Dirt Journal. She is an active hobby potter and ceramics instructor with a love for clay. Kristen uses pottery as a creative outlet and loves to experiment with new techniques, styles and forms. Kristen’s long-term goal is to develop her technical skills and expertise of the making process through continued learning and practice.

In the classroom, Kristen creates a feeling of community with her students, sharing in the amazing complexities and unlimited opportunities that pottery has to offer. She loves to push her students to take risks and fully embrace the imperfection and evolution that comes with being new at something. She is passionate about art and design and loves being able to share this passion with students.

On the blog, Kristen loves to write about everything clay, art and design, with a comedic spin – or what she thinks is comedic.

You can find her ceramics on Instagram @gardenofweedenceramics

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